Perfect Union Launches Pay it Forward Some”bud”y Loves You Campaign

Somebudy loves you perfect union february 9 and 10, 2023 customer appreciation event

Perfect Union Launches Pay it Forward Some”bud”y Loves You Campaign

Perfect Union partnered with 15 Top Cannabis brands to launch the first ever Some”bud”y Loves You Event. February 9 and 10, 2023 Guests can shop the TWO DAY BOGO* customer appreciation event. When shopping, guests can purchase one item from a participating brand and get* the second of equal or lesser value for a penny.

Guests Can Take Both Home, or Leave One for Their “Bud” during the two day event.

Perfect Union provides the gift card (see the postcard pictured above) and a little red lunch style bag for your bud to come pick it up. Shop a location near you.

This first of its kind “pay it forward” event is a great way for our guests to do something special for a friend, or donate a unit to a designated dispensary coordinated charity.

Which brand are partnering with Perfect Union to make create a fun February customer appreciation event?

Platinum Sponsor
Emerald Bay

Gold Sponsor
Glass House
Raw Garden 

Silver Sponsor
KIVA Chocolate 
Mr Zips
Tyson 2.0
Northern Emeralds

What else is happening for this cool event at Perfect Union?

During the 9th and 10th of February, Perfect Union locations host brand demos.

On February 10, 2023, some locations will feature music, food and special promotion items for the first 50 to 100 guests in the door. Special promotion items include Glass House prerolls, Raw Garden cartridges, Raw Garden doob tubes, and Raw Garden on-the-go carry cases.

Somebudy loves you perfect union february 9 and 10, 2023 customer appreciation event

What is the fine print for the Some”bud”y Loves Customer Appreciation 2 Day Event at Perfect Union?

*Not valid at Seaside or Weed location. Participating brands may not be available at participating locations. Buy One at Full Price, Get One of Equal or Lesser Value for a Penny. While supplies last. Must be 21+. Management retains all rights. Shop online and in store. Can’t be combined with other offers. “Bud” must be over 21+ and present valid California ID to pick up any prepaid order. No cash value, returns, or exchanges. Buy One at Full Price, Get One of Equal or Lesser Value for a Penny. C10-0000254-LIC • C10-0000199-LIC • C10-0000748-LIC • C10-0000324-LIC • C10-0000411-LIC • C10-0000749-LIC • C10-0000869-LIC • C10-0000025-LIC